Hello there PJLP

Reporting your performance
made easy.

A new take on performance reporting

Great for flexibility and time saving

Improve reporting to higher ups and resource maximizing systems.
Great for flexible individuals and all employee.

A strong, up-to-date, employee reporting program is vital for attracting and retaining good employees. It takes diligence, creativity and attention to detail to ensure you are getting the best each and every year.

Easy Procedure

A fixed, step-by-step sequence of reporting activities.

Support is just a call away

Rapidiously customize value-added platforms compliant action items.

Say goodbye to paperwork.

Globally deliver economically sound communities relationships.

Simplified Web Based Reporting System

Easy as One, Two, Three


Click login PJLP button and login with your email address and personal password.

Input Your Progress

After successful login, input your work progress in the reporting menu.

Final Report

Your progress will be recorded and higher ups able to track your performance.

I need to report what i am doing - it's my workplace and I want to feel that all my work is recorded and rewarded.

Salah Satu PJLP

Nama Disamarkan

Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu

Mal Pelayanan Publik Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 22, Jakarta Selatan
+62 878-8461-2774